'Hallelujah Chorus at Fashion Square December 22, 2010 - Flash Mob'

'Hallelujah Chorus at Fashion Square December 22, 2010 - Flash Mob'
01:03 9h ago
'This event was organized by a Phoenix choir director in an attempt to recapture the spirit of the \"Random Act Of Culture\" event at Macy\'s in Philadelphia a couple of months ago.  We wanted to be a part of it and brought our music and our voices.  You\'ll see my wife Julie and brother-in-law Jim in one of the shots.  We were surprised by the size of the crowd.  I didn\'t have my good camera with me but was able to capture the end of this performance with my wife\'s camera.' 

Tags: Messiah , Mall , Spontaneous , Handel , handel's messiah

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