'2nd video: 7 Steps to starting a biz: http://fashionbrainacademy.com/blog/e-learning/new-designer-program/ Want to launch a line? Wondering how much it will cost you? What does it really take? Here\'s a resource for those who want to start an apparel or accessories business. This series of Online Workshops gives you step-by-step instructions, not a big jumble of information. It\'s at your convenience and at your own pace. GO HERE to learn \"How to go from creative IDEA in your head to actual SALES of a product\": http://www.fashionbrainacademy.com/ideatosalessignup/ **There is a FULL guarantee on ALL our e-learning products. www.janehamill.com'
Tags: Apparel , start , company , an , launch a clothing line , approach a retail buyer , sell your line to stores , sell to boutiques , design clothing line help
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