'Hey! My guest today is the fantastic Lindsay Orndorff, designer and owner of Guild Party. I asked Lindsay to come on the show to teach you what\'s working for her business, which is a quiz. A bit about Lindsay: \"Lindz doesn’t have what you would call a traditional fashion background. In fact, she spent 12 years in the video game industry! But it was her love of cosplay and geek fashion that led her down this path.\" Lindsay builds her customer list using a quiz. it\'s a proven method for her business & geek clothing line and in this episode she shares EXACTLY how she does it. Key things we talk about: - The starting story of Lindsay Orndorff\'s business, Guild Party - The importance of knowing her audience - The simple thought process behind the quiz - Building your customer email list - the biggest mistake she made with her quiz in the beginning - Email list maintenance & housekeeping - Social media and Facebook ads - The ROI of Lindsay\'s quiz - + more - It\'s jam-packed! Listen to this episode and let me know what you think over at https://fashionbrainacademy.com/guild/ You can also listen to the The Jane Hamill Podcast on... iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jane-hamill-podcast/id1125412597?mt=2 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6K3QJqIhkZt4vsDhRXPl5r Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/janehamill Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/jane-hamill-fashion-brain-academy/fashion-brain-podcast-with-jane-hamill'
Tags: fashion , Design , Ecommerce , start a fashion business , consulting , launch a clothing line , launch an apparel line
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