'Chanel Data Center Show - Paris Fashion Week || Paola Alberdi'

'Chanel Data Center Show - Paris Fashion Week || Paola Alberdi'
00:31 Jul 22, 2024
'BLANK ITINERARY by PAOLA ALBERDI  S U B S C R I B E to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/paolaalberdi ---------  I will never forget the moment when I received my first invitation to the Chanel Fashion week show in Paris. This video shows bits and pieces of the day.   Read my whole experience at http://blankitinerary.com/2016/10/a-chanel-dream-come-true.html  ---------  Nunca se me va a olvidar el día que recibí mi primera invitación de Chanel para asistir su show en Paris! Este video enseña momentos de ese día.   Para leer mas detalles sobre el show y mi experiencia ese día vayan a http://blankitinerary.com/2016/10/a-chanel-dream-come-true.html   VIDEO created by Dasha Pirela ---------  B L O G: http://www.blankitinerary.com/ I N S T A G R A M: https://www.instagram.com/blankitinerary S N A P C H A T: @blankitinerary T W I T T E R: https://twitter.com/blankitinerary F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/blankitinerary ---------' 

Tags: fashion week , Paris Fashion Week , chanel , fashion blogger , paola alberdi , blank itinerary , coutureparis

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