'This unique fundraiser uses fashion as a platform for education and awareness around the realities of modern slavery as well as a space to celebrate the power of everyday purchases to support freedom. This year\'s Fair Trade Fashion Show will benefit Free the Slaves, an international nonprofit dedicated to liberating slaves and changing the conditions that allow slavery to persist. FTS currently works in six countries around the world -- Haiti, Ghana, DRC, Senegal, Nepal, and India. The organization believes in a multi-faceted approach to fighting slavery, but one key action needed to combat this horrible crime is for businesses to clean up their supply chains and consumers to demand slavery-free products like fair trade fashion. Join us July 29, 2017 in Downtown Los Angeles. Tickets are available here: www.fairtradefashionshow.com'
Tags: fashion show , sustainable fashion , ethical fashion , fair trade , Bead & Reel , fair trade fashion show , free the slaves , fashion show fundraiser , anti-trafficking
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