Oct 31, 2023
'A nice Snowy Mountain Tribal glam for your ninja. EDIT: I discovered a bit too late, that the Kudzu Culottes of Crafting and Kudzu Culottes of Gathering are also useable for the Legs slot. This means it is possible to have all slots filled for Disciples of Hand and Land. Shared models can finicky and some clues are fine while others aren\'t. I will be more diligent in the future. I want to thank Kaiyoko Star and people of Reddit who really are the ones that do all the hard work figuring out the clues. I also want to shout-out Meoni as bit of an inspiration for this series. It is intended to be more of a blog than a guide; something to let me practice making different glams, and maybe help to inspire others to dip into glaming themselves. #ffxiv #fashionreport 0:00 - Intro and Story-time 0:16 - Breakdown of Week 218 2:49 - What I Chose 4:00 - Glamour Showcase'
Tags: FFXIV , fashion report
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