'Head (The Wild Side): Anemos Hat, Gaganaskin Hat of Aiming, Wrangler\'s Hat, Gyuki Leather Hat Speculative: Weathered / Gunslinger\'s Hat Body (Go West): New World Jacket Legs (Mountain Bred): Nomad\'s Breeches of XXX, Kudzu Culottes of Crafting/Gathering 3 stars Previously: Cropped Flannel/Woolen Slops, Extreme Survival Slops, Linen / Survival Halfslops, Best Man\'s Slacks Speculative: Cropped Twinsilk Slops, Cropped Indigo Summer Slops, Cropped Fireglass Leather Slops, Miner\'s Slops, Augmented / Minekeep\'s Slops, Augmented / Mineking\'s Slops, Minefiend\'s Slops, Minesoph\'s Slops Right Ring (A \"Bone\" to Pick): Bone/Coral/Horn/Red Coral Ring, Yeti Fang Ring of XXX, Griffin Talon Ring of XXX, Muudhorn Ring of XXX, Augmented / Shire Custodian\'s Ring, Direwolf Ring of Fending, Bogatyr\'s Ring of Aiming/Casting/Healing, Picaroon\'s Ring of Slaying, Varlet\'s Ring, Hoplite Ring, Weathered / Evenstar Ring, Weathered/ Daystar Ring, Stonewall Ring, Ring of Fidelity/Fortitude, Ruby Tide Ring of XXX, Nomad\'s Ring of XXX'
Tags: Sony Interactive Entertainment , PlayStation 4 , #PS4share , Final Fantasy XIV , fashion report , ffxiv fashion report , Ffxiv fashion report week 218 , Fashion report week 218 , Ffxiv fashion report week 218 del 01/04/2022 , Fashion report 218 del 01/04/2022 , Fashion report week 218 del 2022/04/01 , Ffxiv fashion report week 218 del 2022/04/01 , Ffxiv fashion report 218 mountain tri al , Fashion report 218 mountain tribal
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